Planning Appeals

Joining the Planning Inquiry

There are notices at various points around the village giving details of how to join in the public inquiry, which will open on the 9th February at 10am. You can download the notice here

Minor amendments to scheme used in Land South Appeal

The Local Authority have refused the development behind St Mary’s Church, as reported back in March 2020, however the applicants have appealed this decision and the Planning Inspector will consider the appeal at a Public Inquiry 9th – 12th February 2021.

The applicants have submitted some minor amendments to the plans and the Planning Inspector will review these when considering the application/appeal. Details of these amendments are on website.

What can you do?

If you have already objected to the development and, after considering the amendments, you would like to reconfirm your objection there is still time (deadline Monday 11th January). Please email the Planning Inspector & parties involved (details below) something like “notwithstanding the minor amendments, the comments I have already made in objection to this application still stand. Please consider my objection comments when deciding this appeal”.

  • Planning Inspectorate
  • Appellants
  • The Local Planning Authority 
  • Church Fenton Forward

    If you need a copy of the letter that was sent to residents, that details the minor amendments to the scheme you can download it here. Please get in touch with the relevant parties to say that you continue to object to this development, and would like the appeal dismissed.


    Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of three new houses. This was refused at planning committee in March, but has been appealed - more on the link above

    Land South of Church Fenton

    Proposed 50 houses on the land behind Main Street, between the Church and Lovers Bridge - probably the most walked footpath in the village, changing the view of the Church over open Fenland forever.

    This was refused by the Planning Committee in March too, and we are working on what is next