Land South of Church Fenton

Update post Public Inquiry

You can download this update as a printable A5 leaflet here

Thank you to everyone who contributed and supported Church Fenton Forward in the work on the Public Inquiry.

Unfortunately, the Planning Inspector’s decision has been received to allow the appeal. As such, the building of 50 houses in the heart of the village has been approved.

Church Fenton Forward have been asked by several members of the community if there is anything else we can do to fight this decision and the answer is YES.

There are options available and after an initial meeting on 30th June, we agree to press on with our ambition to protect the historic core of our village.

If you object to the development here are some ways you can help:

  • Add your name to a group response or submit comments separately
  • Deliver leaflets, proofread documents, help with research
  • Give your expertise in specialised areas
  • Financial donations to support with expert advice
  • Come to update meetings (virtually)
  • Spread the word

Historic information

This is listed on the Selby Planning Portal as application number AP/2020/0026/REF | Reserved matters application relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for erection of 50 dwellings of approval 2015/0615/OUT for outline application to include access for a residential development | Land South Of Main Street Church Fenton Tadcaster North Yorkshire

There is a search button on the link above - if you put the application reference into that Search bar, and press Search - it will bring up the application. Alternatively, you can use this link.

Alternatively, you can simply email and express your objection to this application

Next stages

  • 17/11/20 - we will be adding more information here soon

Update from today (5/2/20) Planning Committee

Planning committee members were presented with the application for 50 dwellings at St Mary's Church, Church Fenton. This at reserved matters application gave cause for a good debate. Councillors shared their concerns about the application, in particular referencing the style, the layout and the special regard that should be placed on this heritage setting.

The committee proposed and voted to refuse this application with recommendation that their ground for refusal are checked and to be confirmed that they are legally correct.

As this is a reserved matters application the consideration and decision is taken on layout, scale and external appearance and therefore in our view the refusal is legally correct and binding.


Please sign the petition

Church at night
Church From the Field
Church in Snow
The Road at Night


1/2/20 @ 19.11 Please check our updates page - email now at Nice pictures of the village welcome.

1/2/20 @ 18:18 We are doing our best to update this website as often as possible. Our Parish Council Chair, Sarah Chester, who can be contacted at would like to be copied in to any emails you send, as would our MP, Nigel Adams.

To our Church Fenton neighbours

Dear Neighbour

We are a group of concerned residents trying to prevent the unjustified granting of planning permission (specifically reserved matters) for the building of 50 houses to the rear of St Mary’s Church/Main Street (planning reference 2017/0736REMM)

As you may be aware we have been fighting against this for the last 5 years and now we are left with 5 days to make our case and stop this from happening.

To this end we would like you to get involved and be active in emailing the planning committee that will determine the future of our village.

The committee will only look at material considerations/material reasons when weighing up their decision to approve the application.

We have provided a number of statements in each section to the left of this website that you can use to object or to email to the committee. It would be helpful if you could edit them to your own words but equally if you are pushed for time just copy and paste at least one statement from each section and press send!

Our intention is to show the committee members how this application is universally disliked and that as a community we will rally against it.

Planning committee meetings are held at 2pm in the Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Selby (adjacent to Selby Hospital). Details here. More villagers attending this meeting will reinforce the message that the village is against this application. If you can please come along and show your objection to this application.