5/2/20 @ 20.08 Update from today's Planning Committee
Planning committee members were presented with the application for 50 dwellings at St Mary's Church, Church Fenton. This at reserved matters application gave cause for a good debate. Councillors shared their concerns about the application, in particular referencing the style, the layout and the special regard that should be placed on this heritage setting.
The committee proposed and voted to refuse this application with recommendation that their ground for refusal are checked and to be confirmed that they are legally correct.
As this is a reserved matters application the consideration and decision is taken on layout, scale and external appearance and therefore in our view the refusal is legally correct and binding.
3/2/20 @ 22:57
- Link to Petition added.
3/2/20 @ 10:42
2/2/20 @ 13:54
- Documents page now includes the National Design Guide.
1/2/20 @ 20:02
- Documents page now includes link to Selby Planning Portal.
1/2/20 @ 19:29
- Now a horizontal menu as well as the side one - some people didn't see the menu on the left. Thank you for comments!
1/2/20 @ 19:08
- Email address - info@churchfentondevelopment.org.uk. Nice pictures of the village welcome, particularly this site.
1/2/20 @ 18:50
1/2/20 @ 18:18
- Added NPPF link to Documents
- Wording amendments for Flood Risk
- Updates and contact details onto Home page.
- Major update to Policy