There is no reference in the outline planning consent to the number of dwellings to be built on this site. This means the planning Committee could determine that a number fewer than 50 is more appropriate.
The public benefit in terms of housing provision as now diminished as Selby District Council have a 5 plus year land supply.
Policy H1 a) of the NDP states that Housing Developments should be: "small in scale, under 10 units". A development of 10 houses in a site of this significance is more acceptable.
A decision to refuse consent on grounds of scale does not go against the principle of development, we therefore urge you to refuse this application.
The Planning Officer states: The development is not considered to contribute positively to the areas identity due simply to the presence of a large modern housing estate and the repeat forms of housing design which are at odds with the evolved, random and individual character and pattern of housing characteristic of the edges of this settlement.
This use of 'anywhere housing' in a setting of this significance demonstrates significant harm to the heritage setting and shows no attempt to preserve the setting of the St Mary's Church.
The development proposed intends to develop this highly sensitive site with standard house types that will encroach severely into the immediate setting of several high grade heritage assets.
An extremely high quality scheme is the only way to sensitively develop such a significant area to minimize harm
Church Fenton evolved through millennia gradually utilising unique and distinctive buildings Each building was largely unique and the spaces between dwellings were also defining characteristics of the area. It is not therefore appropriate to cite new housing estates as forming a positive part of the local context, especially in such a historically sensitive part of our village.
If development is to occur on this site the very highest standards of design will be required. The scheme put forward falls short of reflecting the unique characteristics that form the historic core of the village.
The scheme is urban as appose to rural as a result of trying make a standard house type fit a unique hole.
Affordable Housing
The proposal is for less than the policy requirement of affordable housing
Developers cannot claim lack of viability as reason to reduce the number of affordable homes
The Executive Summary to the Viability Assessment falls well short of the level of information required to be made public.
In a normal planning balance, and where the promoter seeks to balance public benefit against less than substantial harm to heritage assets, the weight attached to housing benefits are of critical importance (particularly in relation to affordable housing provision).